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Função e depuração da válvula de expansão térmica


Thermal Expansion Valve Function

Válvula de expansão térmica (short calledTXV” ) is one basic system components for refrigeration cycle. His functions as follow:

1. Throttle and pressure reduction

Throttle and reduce pressure of normal temperature and high pressure liquid refrigerant after condensation in the condenser, adjust the refrigerant which flows through the evaporator, and control the overheat at the evaporator outlet. Overheat = air outlet temperature – temperatura de evaporação.

2. Regulate flow

According to the temperature signal obtained by the temperature sensor, TXV can automatically adjust the refrigerant flow entering the evaporator to adapt the changes of refrigeration load.

Recursos TXV

3. Prevent abnormal overheating

The expansion valve adjusts the flow rate to make the evaporator keep a certain overheat, ensure the effective use of the evaporator, meanwhile avoid liquid refrigerante entering the compressor to cause liquid strike; ao mesmo tempo, it can prevent abnormal overheating.

TXV Classification and Installation

TXV can divide into two types: internal balanced and external balanced.

Internal balanced TXV

Temperature sensor pressure = spring pressure + evaporator inlet pressure. Valve diaphragm pressure comes from evaporator inlet.

External balanced TXV

temperature sensor pressure = spring pressure + evaporator outlet pressure. Valve diaphragm pressure comes from evaporator outlet, always used in systems with large evaporator resistance.

Estrutura TXV

Install temperature sensor onto the horizontal air-outlet pipe at the evaporator outlet, 1.5m away from the compressor suction port. Temperature sensor mustn’t place on the pipeline with accumulated liquid. And wrap it tightly against the pipe, meanwhile clean the oxide scale at the contact in order to expose the metal natural color.

When air-outlet pipe diameter is <25mm, the temperature sensor can be tied at the pipe top; when diameter is >25mm, it can be tied at 45° on the lower side of the air-outlet pipe to prevent oil accumulation at the pipe bottom from affecting temperature sensor performance properly.

temperature sensor installation

Temperature Sensor Installation

TXV Debug

Must debug TXV under normal refrigeração operation condition. If the flow rate is too large, turn the debugging screw half a turn clockwise. De outra forma, turn the debugging screw counter-clockwise, also half a turn. Don’t turn the debugging screw more than half a turn at one time.

There must be an interval of more than 15 minutes between each debug.

TXV overheat should be 5~8℃. If not, adjust it.

TXV Debug Example

Falta: A constant temperature and humidity ar condicionado is running with both compressors, air outlet is 22.5℃, air inlet is 16.8℃, its cooling performance is not good. Freon was sufficient, and filter not blocked.

Inspeção: 2 compressores’ air outlet was overheated and temperature at the expansion valve outlet was low. The evaporator outlet temperature was 18℃, and air outlet pressure was 3.2kg/cm2 (the corresponding temperature was -5℃, overheat was 23℃), which was obviously deviated from the normal overheat. Reason is the expansion valve wasn’t open enough.

Debug: After correct debug, the evaporator outlet temperature was 12℃, air outlet pressure was 4.8kg/cm2, the corresponding temperature was 4.5℃, and the overheat was 7.5℃.

The specific data before and after the on-site debug are as follows:

ItemEvaporator outlet Temp (°C)Compressor air outlet pressure (kg/cm2)Ralated temp for Compressor air outlet pressure(°C)Overheat(°C)Overheat meet the request or not
Manufacturer's debug standard value<144.5~62.5~115~8Sim
(#1 compressor) before debug
(#1 compressor) after debug12.
(#2 compressor) before debugão
(#2 compressor) after debug13.

In this debug, the optimal overheat was 7.6℃ and 7.9℃ respectively.

ItemAir conditioning air outletAir conditioning air outletAir conditioning air inletAir conditioning air inletTemp gap between air inlet and outlet
Unidadetemperatura (°C)Umidade (%)temperatura (°C)Umidade (%)(°C)
Before debug22.554.816.875.45.7
After debug22.554.814.384.38.2


Afinal, thermal expansion valve (TXV) plays a vital role in regulating refrigerant flow and ensuring optimal system performance.

By understanding its functions, classifications, proper installation, and debugging techniques, you can maintain efficient operation and address potential issues effectively, contributing to the reliability of the refrigeração ou ar condicionado sistema.

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Sobre a nossa empresa

Grupo China Speedway é um produto HVACR profissional’ fabricante e atacadista, personalizamos diferentes produtos HVACR e peças de reposição, especialmente produtos e peças de refrigeração. Como ar condicionado, equipamento de refrigeração, unidade de câmara fria, máquina de gelo, desumidificador, motor elétrico, acessórios (compressor, trocador de calor, bobina de cobre, válvulas, caixa de controle, evaporador) etc.

Como trabalhou na área de HVACR desde 2010, temos mais experiências podemos fornecer produtos e soluções exclusivos, também fornecerá suporte técnico gratuito e vitalício. Inquérito calorosamente bem-vindo com sua amostra, desenho ou desenho, nosso objetivo é tornar sua ideia realidade e beneficiá-lo.

O que mais, para nossos clientes, iremos adquirir outros produtos, verifique o fornecedor, negocie com eles com cobrança gratuita para você.

sobre o autor

Foto de Vic Cheung
Vic Cheung

Oi, eu sou Vic! Comece a trabalhar no campo HVACR desde 2008, nossos principais produtos incluídos: ar condicionado, sistema de refrigeração de câmara fria, resfriador de água, máquina de gelo, desidratador comercial, desumidificador, bomba de calor, motor elétrico, e todos os acessórios. Desde que ingressou no China Speedway Group em 2012, Eu trabalhei aqui mais de 10 anos, como gerente geral do departamento de exportação, nós estabelecemos 50+ agente em diferentes países e áreas.
Como nossa experiência e forte suporte técnico, podemos resolver seu problema assim que você tiver, e nosso engenheiro-chefe trabalha no campo HVACR desde 1997. Estou tão orgulhoso de nosso conhecimento ser cada vez mais popular não apenas para engenheiros, e para recém-chegados de negócios HVACR, Amantes de bricolagem. Espero que esteja gostando de nossos artigos, se tiver alguma dúvida ou comentário, seja bem-vindo para me enviar marketing em

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