Udostępnij optymalne rozwiązania, Profesjonalna wiedza na temat HVACR i aktualności branżowe

Jak wybrać właściwy olej chłodniczy?

Spis treści

Refrigeration oil is a lubricating oil specially used for refrigeration compressor, working temperature is -40 ~ +120℃.


One is traditional mineral oil; The other is synthetic polyol ester oil such as POE (polyol ester), PAG (polyalkylene glycol) itp, which often called polyester oil.

Common Refrigeration Oil List

1. Mineral Oil

Examples: Suniso 3GS, 4GS, 5GS

Aplikacja: Typically used in older refrigeration systems which use CFC (chlorofluorocarbon) or HCFC (hydrochlorofluorocarbon) czynniki chłodnicze, like R12 or R22.

Charakterystyka: Good lubrication properties but not suitable for modern HFC (hydrofluorocarbon) czynniki chłodnicze.

2. Polyolester (POE) Olej

Examples: Mobil EAL Arctic, Emkarate RL 32, RL 68, RL 170

Aplikacja: Widely used in modern systems with HFC refrigerants like R134a, R404a, and R507. Also suitable for systems using newer, environmentally-friendly refrigerants.

Charakterystyka: Excellent compatibility with HFC refrigerants and provide good thermal and oxidative stability.

R404 cold room refrigeration oil

3. Polyalkylene Glycol (PAG) Olej

Examples: Icematic SW68, Emkarate RL 32H

Aplikacja: Used primarily in automotive klimatyzacja and certain refrigeration systems. Works well with refrigerants like R134a.

Charakterystyka: Provide good lubrication but is hygroscopic (absorbs moisture), require careful handling.

4. Alkylbenzene (AB) Olej

Examples: Zerol 150, Zerol 300

Aplikacja: Often used in refrigeration systems with HCFC refrigerants like R22. It can also be used as a blend with mineral oils.

Charakterystyka: Offers good thermal stability and can help in systems that need both mineral and synthetic oil compatibility.

5. Polyalphaolefin (PAO) Olej

Examples: Mobil SHC Gargoyle 68, Suniso SL-32

Aplikacja: Used in industrial refrigeration systems, especially in low-temperature applications with ammonia (R717).

Charakterystyka: Excellent low-temperature performance and resistance to oxidation.


1. Reduce friction and wear.
2. Fill the sealing part with oil to ensure sealing performance and prevent refrigerant leakage.
3. The movement of oil removes the wear debris generated by metal friction and can clean the friction surface.
4. Provide hydraulic power for the unloading mechanism.

Performance Requirement

1. Appropriate viscosity

In addition to ensure good lubrication of the componentsfriction surfaces, viscosity of the refrigeration oil should also take away some heat from the refrigeratant and play a sealing role. If the refrigerant used in the compressor is highly miscible with the refrigeration oil, you should use an oil with a higher viscosity to prevent the lubricating oil being diluted by the refrigerant.

2. Low volatility and high flash point

The greater the volatility of refrigeration oil, the more oil circulates with the refrigerant. Dlatego, the distillation range of the refrigeration oil should be as narrow as possible, and the flash point should be 25~30°C higher than exhaust temperature of the compressor.

refrigerant oil

3. Good chemical and thermal oxidation stability

The highest compression temperature of the compressor can reach 130~160℃. W tej temperaturze, refrigeration oil will be heated then decomposed and deteriorated continuously, forming carbon deposits and causing compressor malfunction and wear.

4. Free of water and impurity

Because water freezing in the evaporator will affect the heating efficiency, and water contacted with refrigerant will accelerate decomposition of the refrigerant and corrode the equipment, so refrigeration oil can’t contain water and impurities.

5. Inni

Refrigeration oil should also have good anti-foaming properties, and shouldn’t dissolve or expand rubber, enameled wire and other materials. It should have good electrical insulation when used in closed sprzęt chłodniczy.

Refrigeration Oil Deterioration Reason

1. Mixed in Moisture

As air seeps into the refrigeration system, so the moisture in the air will mix with the refrigeration oil after contact; whenever the refrigerant contains water, then moisture will also mix into the refrigeration oil.

Moisture mixed into the refrigeration oil will decrease oil viscosity and cause metal corrosion.

2. Oxidation

When the compressor exhaust temperature is high during refrigeration oil use, possibly cause oxidation and deterioration. Especially refrigeration oil with poor chemical stability, which is more prone to deterioration. After a period of time, refrigeration oil will contain residue, then will deteriorate the lubrication of bearings and other parts.

3. Mixing of refrigeration Oil

When several different refrigeration oils are mixed, will decrease refrigeration oil viscosity, even destroy the oil film, causing bearingsdamage.

4. Contain Impurity

Contains mechanical impurities, which will increase the friction surface wear of the components and quickly clog filter and throttle valve or expansion valve.

olej chłodniczy 01

Select Correct Refrigeration Oil Principle

1. Based on Compression Type

Tam są 3 types of compressors used in sprzęt chłodniczy: piston type, screw type and centrifugal type. The refrigeration oil of piston and screw types are in direct contact with the compressed refrigerant, so must consider the mutual influence between refrigeration oil and the refrigerant.

The refrigeration oil used in the centrifugal type is only used to lubricate the rotor bearings, so can be selected according to the load and speed.

2. Based on Refrigerant Type

Must consider the mutual influence between refrigerant and refrigeration oil because they will directly contact. Refrigerant such as Freon can be dissolved in mineral oil, so should select refrigeration oil have higher viscosity grade to prevent the refrigeration oil from being diluted then unable to perform properly.

Ponadto, should pay more attention to whether some refrigeration oil mixed in the refrigerant, which will affect refrigeration system working properly.

3. Based on Refrigerant Evaporation Temperature

Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, for compressor with low refrigerant evaporation temperature, should choose refrigeration oil with low freezing point to prevent the refrigeration oil (carried into the refrigeration system by the refrigerant) from condensing on the throttle valve and evaporator, thereby affecting the refrigeration efficiency.

For compressor using ammonia as refrigerant, freezing point of the refrigeration oil should be lower than the evaporation temperature.

For compressor using Freon as refrigerant, freezing point of the refrigeration oil should be higher than the evaporation temperature.


Jednym słowem, select the correct refrigeration oil is crucial to ensure the efficiency and durability of refrigeration systems.

By understanding the types of oils available, their performance requirements, reasons for deterioration, and selection principles, you can make informed choices that enhance system reliability and minimize maintenance issues.

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O naszej firmie

China Speedway Group to profesjonalne produkty HVACR’ producent i hurtownik, dostosowujemy różne produkty HVACR i części zamienne, zwłaszcza produkty i części chłodnicze. Takich jak klimatyzacja, sprzęt chłodniczy, moduł chłodniczy, maszyna do lodu, osuszacz powietrza, silnik elektryczny, akcesoria (kompresor, wymiennik ciepła, zwój Miedziany, zawory, skrzynka kontrolna, parownik) itp.

Od tego czasu pracował w branży HVACR 2010, mamy więcej doświadczeń, możemy zapewnić Ci unikalne produkty i rozwiązania, zapewni także bezpłatne wsparcie techniczne przez całe życie. Serdecznie witamy, zapytaj nas swoją próbką, rysunek lub projekt, naszym celem jest urzeczywistnienie Twojego pomysłu i przyniesienie korzyści.

Co więcej, dla naszych klientów, będziemy zaopatrywać się w inne produkty, zweryfikować dostawcę, negocjuj z nimi za darmo.

o autorze

Zdjęcie Vic Cheung
Vic Cheung

Cześć, Jestem Vic! Rozpocznij pracę w branży HVACR od 2008, nasze główne produkty w zestawie: klimatyzacja, system chłodzenia chłodni, agregat wody, maszyna do lodu, odwadniacz handlowy, osuszacz powietrza, Pompa ciepła, silnik elektryczny, i wszystkie akcesoria. Odkąd dołączył do China Speedway Group w 2012, Pracowałem tu więcej niż 10 lata, jako dyrektor generalny działu eksportu, ustaliliśmy 50+ agentem w różnych krajach i obszarach.
Jako nasze doświadczenie i silne wsparcie techniczne, możemy rozwiązać twój problem, gdy już to zrobisz, a nasz główny inżynier od tego czasu pracuje w dziedzinie HVACR 1997. Jestem bardzo dumny z tego, że nasza wiedza jest coraz bardziej popularna nie tylko wśród inżynierów, oraz nowicjusz w branży HVACR, Miłośnicy majsterkowania. Mam nadzieję, że podobają Ci się nasze artykuły, jeśli masz jakiekolwiek pytania lub komentarze, po prostu zapraszamy do wysłania marketingu na cn-beyond.com

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