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Kompletny przewodnik po silniku wentylatora osiowego

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Zimny ​​pokój matches chłodnica jednostki I agregat chłodniczy to cool the storage items. Unit cooler has an important component—“wentylator silnika”, the fan blades fan the air in the cold room to exchange heat with the evaporator, thereby cooling the ambient temperature.

What is Axial Fan Motor?

Axial fan motor is a ventilation device whose wind direction is parallel to the fan axis. Its working principle is to convert electrical energy into wind energy and accelerate air through rotating blades to achieve ventilation, dust removal, cooling and other effects.

Axial Fan Motor Structure

Axial fan motor mainly composed of impeller, podwozie, motor and other parts.

axial fan motor structure 01

Impeller: Impeller is the core component, consisting of blades and hub.

Chassis: Used to fix the impeller and motor, and also plays a protective role.

Silnik: Motor is the power source of the axial fan motor, driving the impeller to rotate.

Axial Fan Motor Classification

According to the blade form, axial fan motor can divide into

1. Forward curved type: The blade inlet angle is >90°, the air volume is large, but the efficiency is low, and suitable for places with high air volume requirements.

2. Backward curved type: The blade inlet angle is <90°, the efficiency is high, but the air volume is small, and suitable for places with high wind pressure requirements.

3. Radial type: The blade inlet angle is 90°, and is suitable for general ventilation places.

Ostrze 01


Axial Fan Motor Features

1. Prosta struktura: Axial fan motor has a compact structure, łatwy w instalacji, and occupy a small area.

2. Large air volume: Axial fan motor has a large air volume and is suitable for ventilation in large places.

3. Low noise: Made of high-quality materials, and noise is low.

4. Wysoka wydajność: The impeller of the axial fan motor is consistent with the direction of air flow, which reduces air flow loss and improves efficiency.

Axial Fan Motor Application

1. Industry: Wentylacja, dust removal and cooling in factories, mines, tunnels and other places.

2. Budowa: Ventilation and klimatyzacja systems in buildings.

3. Transport: Ventilation and cooling of vehicles and ships.

4. Environmental protection: Waste gas treatment, oczyszczanie powietrza, itp.

5. Rolnictwo: Ventilation and cooling in chłodnie and farms.

How to Select Correct Axial Fan Motor?

Air Volume Requirement

1. Must determine required air volume. This depends on the purpose of the ventilation system and the size of the space.

2. Estimate approx. air volume requirements by calculating the space volume, ventilation times, itp.

Air Pressure Requirement

1. Consider the resistance in the system, included air duct length , curvature degree, pressure loss (caused by the filter,itp).

Na przykład, when the air duct is long and has multiple elbows, the wentylator silnika needs to have a higher air pressure to overcome these resistances.

Speed ​​and Power

1. The speed affects fan motor’s performance and noise level. Ogólnie, high speed can provide greater air volume and air pressure, but the noise may also be greater.

2. The power size is related to energy consumption. Necessarily select fan motor with appropriate power to save energy costs.

axial fan motor types

Working Environment

1. If there are special conditions such as corrosive gases, dust or high temperature in the working environment, you necessarily select fan motor with corresponding protective performance.

Na przykład, in a chemical site, require corrosion-resistant fan motor; in a high-temperature environment, require the fan motor which can withstand high temperatures.

Noise Requirement

1. For noise-sensitive places, such as offices and hospitals, should select low-noise axial fan motor.

2. Check noise parameters of the fan motor and further reduce the noise by installing silencers and other measures.

Axial Fan Motor Use Precaution

Secure Installation

Ensure the fan motor is installed on a stable and solid foundation to prevent vibration and displacement during operation. If the installation is not secure, will cause the fan motor parts to loosen and affect its performance and lifetime.

Matchable Power Supply

Connect the power supply strictly according to the rated voltage and frequency to avoid any damage to the axial fan motor caused by unstable or mismatched power supply.

If the voltage is too high, the motor will be burnt; if the voltage is too low, the fan motor speed will be insufficient, affecting the ventilation effect.

Lubrication and Maintenance

For parts that require lubrication, add lubricant oil or grease according to the guideline to ensure the partsnormal operation.

Avoid Overload

Don’t run axial fan motor for a long time at a load exceeding its rated load, as this will shorten its lifetime.

Protective Measures

Install protective grilles or protective covers to prevent people from accidentally touch rotating components and cause injuries.

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Ensure the fan motor working environment meets its design requirements and avoid long-term operation in harsh environments such as humidity, wysoka temperatura, and corrosiveness.

Na przykład, in highly corrosive environments such as the seaside, you necessarily select fan motor with anti-corrosion properties and maintain the protective coating.

Shutdown Operation

Follow the correct steps to shut down and avoid improper operations such as sudden power failure.

Sudden shutdown may cause impact on the motor and transmission parts.

Abnormal Handling

During operation, if any abnormal noise, wibracja, temperature rise, itp, must stop the machine immediately for inspection and used again after the fault is eliminated.

Axial Fan Motor Troubleshooting

WadaPowódRozwiązywanie problemów
Motor Doesn’t StartPower supply failure or blown fuseCheck power source and replace blown fuses.
Overloaded motorInspect for overloading; reduce load or check for blockages in the fan.
Faulty wiringInspect and repair/replace damaged wiring or loose connections.
Motor OverheatOverload or undersized motorZmniejsz obciążenie; ensure motor capacity matches application requirements.
Poor ventilation or blocked air intakeClear obstructions around motor; ensure adequate airflow for cooling.
Bearing issuesInspect and lubricate or replace bearings.
Noisy OperationLoose parts or componentsTighten bolts, screws, or any loose components on the fan motor assembly.
Damaged bearings or worn out partsCheck bearings for wear and replace if damage; inspect fan blades and replace.
Motor VibrationImbalanced fan bladesBalance fan blades to reduce vibration.
Misalignment between motor and fanRealign motor and fan assembly.
Damaged motor mounts or foundationInspect motor mounts, and secure or replace if needed.
Fan Motor Running SlowlyVoltage supply issue or incorrect voltageVerify voltage matches motor specifications; address any supply issues.
Dirty or blocked fan bladesClean fan blades and remove any debris blocking air flow.
Excessive Power ConsumptionLow voltage supply or voltage dropMeasure voltage at the motor; fix issues with supply or upgrade wiring.
Wadliwe uzwojenia silnikaPerform a winding insulation resistance test; replace motor if windings are damaged.
Uneven AirflowPartially blocked fan intakeClean intake area; remove any dust or debris obstructing airflow.
Damaged or deformed fan bladesReplace damaged blades to ensure smooth airflow.
Improper fan placement causing backdraft issuesEnsure adequate spacing around fan; reposition if airflow is restricted by surroundings.
Excessive Bearing WearMisalignment or imbalance causing stress on bearingsRealign motor and fan; balance load evenly.
Poor lubrication or inappropriate lubricant usedLubricate with recommended lubricant at regular intervals.
Motor Emits a Burning SmellOverheating due to electrical fault or insulation damageInspect for signs of burnt insulation or wiring; replace motor if has burnt windings.


Axial fan motors are essential components in various ventilation and cooling systems, offering high efficiency, niezawodność, and versatility.

Their ability to move large volumes air with minimal energy consumption makes them ideal for applications from industrial to residential use.

Proper selection, konserwacja, and understanding of their performance features are key to maximize their efficiency and long lifetime.

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O naszej firmie

China Speedway Group to profesjonalne produkty HVACR’ producent i hurtownik, dostosowujemy różne produkty HVACR i części zamienne, zwłaszcza produkty i części chłodnicze. Takich jak klimatyzacja, sprzęt chłodniczy, moduł chłodniczy, maszyna do lodu, osuszacz powietrza, silnik elektryczny, akcesoria (kompresor, wymiennik ciepła, zwój Miedziany, zawory, skrzynka kontrolna, parownik) itp.

Od tego czasu pracował w branży HVACR 2010, mamy więcej doświadczeń, możemy zapewnić Ci unikalne produkty i rozwiązania, zapewni także bezpłatne wsparcie techniczne przez całe życie. Serdecznie witamy, zapytaj nas swoją próbką, rysunek lub projekt, naszym celem jest urzeczywistnienie Twojego pomysłu i przyniesienie korzyści.

Co więcej, dla naszych klientów, będziemy zaopatrywać się w inne produkty, zweryfikować dostawcę, negocjuj z nimi za darmo.

o autorze

Zdjęcie Vic Cheung
Vic Cheung

Cześć, Jestem Vic! Rozpocznij pracę w branży HVACR od 2008, nasze główne produkty w zestawie: klimatyzacja, system chłodzenia chłodni, agregat wody, maszyna do lodu, odwadniacz handlowy, osuszacz powietrza, Pompa ciepła, silnik elektryczny, i wszystkie akcesoria. Odkąd dołączył do China Speedway Group w 2012, Pracowałem tu więcej niż 10 lata, jako dyrektor generalny działu eksportu, ustaliliśmy 50+ agentem w różnych krajach i obszarach.
Jako nasze doświadczenie i silne wsparcie techniczne, możemy rozwiązać twój problem, gdy już to zrobisz, a nasz główny inżynier od tego czasu pracuje w dziedzinie HVACR 1997. Jestem bardzo dumny z tego, że nasza wiedza jest coraz bardziej popularna nie tylko wśród inżynierów, oraz nowicjusz w branży HVACR, Miłośnicy majsterkowania. Mam nadzieję, że podobają Ci się nasze artykuły, jeśli masz jakiekolwiek pytania lub komentarze, po prostu zapraszamy do wysłania marketingu na cn-beyond.com

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