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Vollständiger Leitfaden zum Plattenwärmetauscher


Plate heat exchanger is a new type high-efficiency heat exchanger , which is made of series metal sheets with corrugated shape. During various plates have thin rectangular channels , and exchange heat through the plates.

Plate heat exchanger is an ideal equipment for liquid-liquid and liquid-steam heat exchange. It has the features like: high heat exchange efficiency, small heat loss, compact and light structure, small footprint, easy installation and cleaning, Breite Anwendung, und lange Lebensdauer, usw.

Today we will talk more knowledge about plate heat exchanger.


Hauptbestandteile: Seal gasket, fix plate, active plate, screw, upper column, lower column, support rod , frame plate, usw.

plate heat exchanger structure

Plate heat exchanger has 2 Typen: frame type (detachable) and brazing type, meanwhile there are 2 types of plates: corrugated plate and round-shaped plate.

plate texture

Functions of Plate Texture

It will cause fluid turbulence, enhances heat transfer, and the corrugations of adjacent plates form contact resistance points, improve pressure resistance.

plate texture 01

Chocolate distribution area

Make the fluid flow evenly across the entire plate, with the same pressure drop at „A“ Und „B“, minimize the pressure loss, increase effective heat transfer, and allow parallel flow.

chocolate area


The plate heat exchanger consists of a group of plates stacked into a channel-shaped plate package. The two ends have bottom plates with pipe connections. The whole plate is made by vacuum brazing.

Two media flow in adjacent channels respectively. The plates between adjacent channels are pressed into corrugated shape to enhance the heat exchange between the two media. In the brazed plate heat exchanger for Kühlung, there is always one more water flow channel than Kältemittel flow channel.

one side flow plate heat exchanger

Above is single-side flow schema, some heat exchangers are made for diagonal flow, bedeutet „Q1“ Und „Q3“ contain one medium, while „Q2“ Und „Q4“ contain another medium.

The fastening way is screw and bolt structure, which is convenient for on-site disassembly and repair.

Working Principle

The plates of plate heat exchanger are sealed and guided by sealing gaskets to separate the cold/hot fluid channels. The cold/hot heat exchange medium flows through their respective channels and exchanges heat with the separated plates to achieve the set temperature.

Each plate has openings at the four corners, then form to distribution pipeline and collection pipeline, after being assembled into a plate pack. After the heat exchange of the cold/hot medium, it flows back from the respective collection pipes then recycle.

Single-flow structure: only two plates don’t exchange heatfront (Erste) and bottom (last) plates.

one side flow

Double-flow structure: Each flow has 3 plates without heat exchange.

Double flow

Plate Material

Plate materialMaterial series numberSuitable medium
Edelstahl304, 316,316LClean water, river water, Speiseöl, mineral oil
Titanium and Titanium PalladiumTi, Ti-PdSeawater, brine, saline solution
NickelNiHohe Temperatur, high concentration caustic soda
HastelloyHastelloyConcentrated sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, phosphoric acid
Special steelSM0254, 20Cr, 18NiDilute sulfuric acid, diluted salt aqueous solution, inorganic aqueous solution


Gaskets used as sealing elements between heat exchanger plates to prevent leakage. In HVAC industry, gaskets are mainly rubber products, which are greatly affected by temperature and medium.

Gasket requirement:

Anti-aging, tear-resistant, high resilience

Sealing contact surface is accurate in size and the alarm signal hole is sensitive

Adhesive-free structure, easy to disassemble and assemble

Gasket selection:

According to the medium features

Gasket materialMaterial code numberTemperaturSuitable medium
Nitrile Butadiene RubberNBR-15 ~ +120 °CWater, sea water, brine, mineral oil
Nitrile Butadiene Rubber +HNBR-15 ~ +140 °CHigh temperature mineral oil, hot water
Ethylene Propylene Diene MonomerEPDM-25 ~ +150 °CHigh temperature water, acid, alkali
Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer +HEPDM-25 ~ +170 °CWater vapor, acid, alkali

HVACR Industry Application

District heating system

District cooling system

Heat and power system

Geothermal water heating system

Instant domestic hot water system

Swimming pool constant temperature system

Solar water heating system

– Klimaanlage System

– Kühlturm

Groundwater cool/heat source system

Heat recovery system

Ice storage system

Ceiling cooling system


Upside down installation

plate heat exchanger installation

Some plate heat exchangers can place upside down, please confirm with the supplier.

Installation posture

installation posture

Must install vertically, not horizontally.

Installation „1“ is correct, „2“ Und „3“ is also ok, „4“ is wrong.

Pipeline layout

pipeline layout

Don’t allow vibration and pipe thermal expansion to reach the plate heat exchanger.


Add rubber gaskets between BPHE (brazed plate heat exchanger) and the bracket.
Use vibration dampers for the compressor.
Use bellow or other vibration absorb device when the straight pipe section is long. A return bend higher than the inlet pipe can make the water fill the BPHE (see above picture).

Pipeline welding

Pipeline welding

Clean and degrease the welding surface with solvent. To avoid oxidation and cool the BPHE, blow nitrogen through the welded pipes. Keep water flowing in the water-side pipeline.

Keep water flowing before welding starts and keep it flowing until the BPHE can be touched by hand.

The solder should contain at least 45% silver and brazing should be carried out at less than 650 ℃. In any case, the weldment shouldn’t exceed 800 ℃.

TIG (Tungsten Inert Gas Shielded Arc Welding) is the least-heat released welding method.

BPHE Leakage Checklist

System check

Check shutdown sequence and evaporation temperature

Check if vibrations from other devices

Is an electric valve or solenoid valve applied on the water side?

Does the water contain excess chloride ions or other corrosive agents?

External check

Is there a bulge on the back cover opposite the water inlet?

Are there any signs of deformation on either side?

Are the pipe connections tight?

Check the appearance for any damage during transportation or installation?


In the end, plate heat exchangers are highly efficient and compact solutions for heat transfer across various industries.

Their modular design, ease of maintenance, and adaptability to different applications make them a better choice for energy-saving operations.

Proper selection and regular maintenance are essential to ensure optimal performance and extended service life.

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Bild von Vic Cheung
Vic Cheung

Hallo, Ich bin Vic! Beginnen Sie seitdem mit der Arbeit im HVACR-Bereich 2008, Unsere Hauptprodukte enthalten: Klimaanlage, Kälteanlage für Kühlräume, Wasserkühler, Eismaschine, handelsüblicher Dörrautomat, Luftentfeuchter, Wärmepumpe, Elektromotor, und sämtliches Zubehör. Seitdem ist er der China Speedway Group beigetreten 2012, Ich habe hier mehr als gearbeitet 10 Jahre, als General Manager der Exportabteilung, wir haben uns etabliert 50+ Agent in verschiedenen Ländern und Gebieten.
Als unsere Erfahrung und starke technische Unterstützung, Wir können Ihr Problem lösen, sobald Sie es haben, und unser Chefingenieur ist seitdem im HVACR-Bereich tätig 1997. Ich bin so stolz darauf, dass unser Wissen nicht nur bei Ingenieuren immer beliebter wird, und für Neueinsteiger im HVACR-Geschäft, DIY-Liebhaber. Ich hoffe, Ihnen gefallen unsere Artikel, Wenn Sie Fragen oder Kommentare haben, senden Sie mir einfach Marketing an cn-beyond.com

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