최적의 솔루션 공유, 전문 HVACR 지식 및 산업 뉴스

냉동 시스템 내부의 공기를 제거하는 방법?


Refrigeration system is a complex cycle system composed of key components such as 압축기, 콘덴서, 확장 밸브, 그리고 증발기. These components work together to achieve cooling through circulation of the refrigerant.

하지만, when air enters this closed system, it can cause series problems that affect its normal operation. 그러므로, it is crucial to understand the causes, 분포, hazards, and removal methods of air intrusion in refrigeration systems.

Causes of Air in Refrigeration System

Although 냉동 시스템 are sealed cycles where air should not enter, air may still infiltrate due to various reasons.

Below is a detailed analysis of these causes:

1.Incomplete Vacuuming During Installation or Maintenance

Vacuuming is critical for removing air and moisture during installation or maintenance. Poor vacuum pump performance or insufficient vacuuming time can leave air in the system.

Inexperienced operators or equipment issues may also result in incomplete vacuuming.

2. Air Introduced During Refrigerant Addition

Improper procedures, such as unsealed refrigerant containers or incorrectly connected hoses, can allow air to enter the system during 냉각제 addition.

Open filling methods increase the likelihood of air entering.

3. System Leakage

Leakage points in the system can let air in, particularly if both the high & low pressure sides have leaks. Pressure differences facilitate air intrusion.

Leakage often occurs at pipe connections, valve seals, or compressor seals.

Bitzer 집광 장치

4. Use Substandard Refrigerants or Unsealed Containers

Substandard refrigerants may contain impurities or moisture, introducing air into the system.

Poorly sealed containers allow air to mix with 냉매 and subsequently enter the system.

5. Lack of Air Removal During Long-Term Operation

–시간이 지남에 따라, air may slowly infiltrate the system, especially with significant pressure fluctuations.

Operator negligence or malfunctioning air removal equipment can result in air accumulation.

6. Atmospheric Air Penetration

If the system’s operating pressure is lower than atmospheric pressure, air can seep into the system through gaps in valves, 압축기, or non-welded connections.

7. Decomposition of Lubricating Oil

Some lubricating oils, such as mineral oils, can decompose under complex working conditions, releasing hydrocarbons that mix with the refrigerant.

Distribution of Air in Refrigeration System

1. Natural Accumulation Locations

Air is lighter than 냉매 and tends to accumulate at high points in the system, ~와 같은:

콘덴서: Often installed at a high position in the system, making it a common air accumulation point.

Receiver: Another high point where air easily gathers.

Accumulator: Certain systems see air accumulating here.

High Sections of Pipes: Any elevated pipe section can become a location for air accumulation.

2. Air Movement in the System

Air can dissolve in the refrigerant and move through the system during operation, affect various components.

3. System Design Impact on Air Distribution

Complex Piping Layouts: Increase potential areas for air accumulation.

Height Differences: Large height variations in the system may lead to concentrated air at higher points.

Hazards of Air in Refrigeration System

1. Increase Energy Consumption

Air consists mainly of nitrogen and oxygen, which are non-condensable gases. Air accumulation in the high-pressure side raises system pressure, force the 압축기 to work harder, increase energy consumption and wear, and shorten the compressor’s lifetime.

2. Induce Chemical Reactions

Moisture in the air can react with 냉매, especially in mineral oil systems, producing acidic substances that corrode internal metal components, leading to leaks and damage.

반밀폐형 콘덴싱 유닛 생산 라인

3. Reduce Cooling Efficiency

Air in the condenser or evaporator can causeair locks,” obstructing refrigerant flow and heat exchange, reduce overall system efficiency.

4. Form Ice Block

Moisture in the air may freeze at throttling devices (예를 들어, expansion valves), causing blockages that disrupt 냉각제 flow and can damage equipment.

5. Impair Expansion Valve Performance

Air presence may distort pressure readings at the expansion valve, lead to improper regulation and unstable refrigerant flow.

6. Compressor Lubrication Issues

Moisture in the air can degrade lubricating oil, reduce its effectiveness and cause 압축기 wear or failure.

Methods to Remove Air from Refrigeration System

1. Use System-Designed Air Release Mechanisms

Many 냉동 시스템 have automatic venting devices, such as vent valves located at the top of the 콘덴서. These devices can automatically expel air during system operation. To utilize these devices for venting:

Locate air release valves: Often on the condenser’s highest point.

Manual Release: Open the valve slowly during operation to release air while monitoring pressure gauges to avoid 냉각제 손실.

2. Vacuum Extraction Method

Use vacuum pump to evacuate the system can effectively remove air and moisture.

Prepare Vacuum Pump: Select a vacuum pump suitable for the system’s capacity and ensure it is in good working condition.

콘덴싱 유닛 작업장

Connect Vacuum Pump: Attach the vacuum pump to system’s vacuum port.

Evacuation Process: Start the vacuum pump and continue evacuation until the system pressure reaches the specified vacuum level. It is usually necessary to maintain this level for a while to ensure thorough removal of air and moisture.

Check the Vacuum Level: Use a vacuum gauge to monitor the vacuum level and ensure it meets the technical requirements.

3. Manual Air Release

When the system is in a shutdown state, manually open the vent valve to release air.

Locate the Vent Valve: Identify the vent valve in the system, normally located at the high point.

Slowly Open the Valve: Gradually open the vent valve to release air. Monitor the refrigerant flow to avoid significant refrigerant loss.

Repeat Venting: Made multiple venting operations until no bubbles appear.

4. High-Temperature Air Release

By increasing the system 온도, the moisture in the air evaporates, and then the air is expelled.

Heat the System: Use heating equipment to raise the system temperature, causing the moisture to evaporate.

Vent the Air: Under high-temperature conditions, expel air and water vapor through the vent valve.

Cool the System: After the system cools down, check for any remaining air.

5. Use Desiccants

Add desiccants to the system to absorb moisture and reduce the air impact.

Select the Desiccant: Use desiccants suitable for the type of refrigerant, such as molecular sieves.

Install the Dryer: Install a dryer in the system and replace the desiccant regularly.

6. Preventative Measures

Regularly Check for Leaks: Periodically inspect the system’s sealing to prevent air ingress.

Properly Add Refrigerant: When adding refrigerant, ensure the container is sealed to avoid air mixing.

Maintain Sealing Integrity: During maintenance and installation, ensure all connections are properly sealed.

7. Safety and Environmental Precautions

Wear Protective Gear: During venting operations, wear protective gloves and goggles to prevent refrigerant cold burns.

Prevent Refrigerant Leaks: Adhere to environmental regulations to prevent refrigerant leaks that could harm the environment.

Use Professional Tools: Ensure use of appropriate tools and equipment for venting operations.

8. Verify Venting Effectiveness

Pressure Test: Monitor system pressure using a pressure gauge to ensure stability.

Observe Operating Status: After system operation, observe the cooling effect and compressor performance to ensure no abnormalities.

screw refrigeration compressor

9. Common Issues

System Still Not Cooling: This may indicate residual air or other faults, requiring re-venting or further troubleshooting.

Pressure Abnormalities: Check for system leaks or desiccant failure.


Air ingress in 냉동 시스템 is a significant issue that can’t be ignored, as it not only affects system efficiency but may also shorten equipment lifespan. Air can enter the system during installation, 유지, 누출, or refrigerant charging, primarily accumulating in high areas such as condensers or near expansion valves. This leads to reduced efficiency, compressor damage, blockages, and pressure imbalances.

To solve this issue, this article introduces various methods for removing air, including using the system’s vent valves, manual venting, vacuum venting, high-temperature venting, and using desiccants to absorb moisture. 추가적으로, preventive measures such as regular leak checks, proper refrigerant charging, and maintaining system sealing are crucial.

요약하자면, timely remove air from the system is essential for maintaining efficient operation and extending equipment lifetime. While multiple methods are available for air removal, prevention remains key. Through regular maintenance and proper installation practices, can ensure the system smooth operation.

For system operators, vigilance against air ingress and taking appropriate measures are critical to ensure the long-term stable operation of refrigeration systems. These methods and preventive measures not only improve efficiency but also save on maintenance costs in the long run.

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회사 소개

차이나 스피드웨이 그룹 전문 HVACR 제품입니다’ 제조업체 및 도매업체, 우리는 다양한 HVACR 제품 및 예비 부품을 사용자 정의합니다., 특히 냉동 제품 및 부품. 에어컨과 같은, 냉동 장비, 찬 방 단위, 제빙기, 제습기, 전기 모터, 부속품 (압축기, 열교환 기, 구리 코일, 밸브, 컨트롤 박스, 증발기) 등.

HVACR 분야에서 일한 이후 2010, 우리는 당신에게 독특한 제품과 솔루션을 제공할 수 있는 더 많은 경험을 가지고 있습니다., 또한 평생 무료 기술 지원을 제공합니다.. 귀하의 샘플에 대한 문의를 따뜻하게 환영합니다., 그림 또는 디자인, 우리의 목표는 귀하의 아이디어를 실현하고 귀하에게 혜택을 주는 것입니다..

또 뭔데, 고객을 위해, 우리는 다른 제품을 소싱할 것입니다, 공급업체 확인, 당신을 위한 무료 요금으로 그들과 협상하십시오.

저자 소개

사진 빅 청
빅 청

안녕, 나는 빅이다! 이후 HVACR 분야에서 작업 시작 2008, 우리의 주요 제품 포함: 공기 조절, 찬 방 냉장계, 물 냉각기, 제빙기, 상업용 탈수기, 제습기, 열 펌프, 전기 모터, 모든 액세서리. 차이나 스피드웨이 그룹에 합류한 이후 2012, 내가 여기서 일한 것보다 10 연령, 수출 부서의 총책임자로, 우리는 설립 50+ 다른 국가 및 지역의 에이전트.
우리의 경험과 강력한 기술 지원으로, 우리는 당신이 한 번 당신의 문제를 해결할 수 있습니다, 그리고 우리의 수석 엔지니어는 이후 HVACR 분야에서 일했습니다. 1997. 엔지니어뿐만 아니라 우리의 지식이 점점 더 대중화되고 있다는 사실이 자랑스럽습니다., 그리고 HVACR 사업의 신규 이민자를 위해, DIY 애호가. 당신이 우리의 기사를 즐기고 있기를 바랍니다, 질문이나 의견이 있으면 cn-beyond.com에서 저에게 마케팅을 보내주세요.

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