최적의 솔루션 공유, 전문 HVACR 지식 및 산업 뉴스

냉동 압축기 유형 목록


Today we will talk about normal types of refrigeration compressors, let’s dive in it.

Semi-hermetic Piston Refrigeration Compressor

Among various types of 냉각 압축기, piston compressors are the earliest and most widely used. 예를 들어, semi-hermetic piston refrigeration compressors are widely used in 냉동 장비. Common compressor manufacturers include: 에머슨, 비처, 산요, Dorin,등.

특징: Wide pressure range and refrigeration capacity, low material requirements, mature technology, simple compressor system, but must avoid liquid strike.

콘덴싱 유닛용 피스톤 컴프레서

There are two common faults of semi-hermetic piston refrigeration compressors: mechanical failure and electrical failure. Common mechanical failures include wear or damage of connecting rods, crankshafts, valve plates; electrical failures are more common in motor winding short circuit, open circuit and burnout.

Twin-rotor Refrigeration Compressor

Twin-rotor compressors are widely used in household appliances, and the export scale of which has been increasing year by year. The compound growth rate in recent 5 years is 12.8%. Now many 에어컨 equipment below 7 HP (마력) choose twin-rotor compressors.

특징: few parts and simple structure, few wearing parts and reliable operation. No suction valve plate, small clearance volume, high gas transmission coefficient, high process precision requirements, poor sealing performance, and large leakage loss.

GMCC brand compressor

장점: Good low-frequency energy efficiency ratio, not as good as scroll (압축기)high-frequency energy efficiency ratio, slightly greater noise, vibration and wear than scroll (압축기), shorter life than scroll (압축기), and difficult to achieve large displacement.

Scroll Refrigeration Compressor

Scroll compressor involved scroll rotor, scroll stator, bracket, cross coupling ring, back pressure chamber, and eccentric shaft. It divided into two types: low-pressure chamber compression and high-pressure chamber compression.

The low-pressure chamber compressor shows the entire outer shell is low temperature, and the shell cavity (except the exhaust port and the exhaust cavity) is low pressure; the high-pressure chamber compressor shows the entire outer shell is high temperature, and the shell cavity (except the intake port and the intake cavity) is high pressure.

Copeland Emerson 압축기

특징: smooth operation, low vibration, quiet working environment, 작은 소음, 긴 수명, and high EER value. They are used in refrigeration and 에어컨 시스템.

Screw Refrigeration Compressor

Screw refrigeration compressor involved casing, rotor, bearing, shaft seal, balance piston, energy regulating device, 등. It has two screws with spiral teeth meshing and rotating, causing the volume between the teeth to change, thereby completing the process of suction and compression. Can adjust the cooling capacity steplessly 10% ~100%. Screw refrigeration compressors are now widely used in 냉각 그리고 HVAC equipment.

screw refrigeration compressor

특징: Rotor and bearingsstrength and wear resistance are relatively high; the exhaust volume is almost unaffected by the exhaust pressure; it maintains a high efficiency over a wide range of operating conditions, and can achieve stepless energy regulation and is insensitive to liquid inlet. But a large amount of liquid return can also cause compressor failure.

Centrifugal Refrigeration Compressor

Centrifugal refrigeration compressors are speed-type compressors, which are impeller-rotating equipments. They rely on high-speed rotating impellers to do work on the gas to increase the gas pressure. Refrigeration compressors with a single unit capacity >1,200kW are almost all centrifugal refrigeration compressors, and centrifugal compressors are generally used in large and extra-large 에어컨 장비.

centrifugal refrigeration compressor

특징: Good dynamic balance, small vibration, few wear parts, long continuous operation cycle, easy to achieve multi-stage compression and throttling, variety of evaporation temperatures, can economically adjust steplessly, low efficiency when the cooling capacity is small.


오늘, we explored five common types of refrigeration compressors, each type has unique characteristics tailored to specific applications.Understanding these differences helps to select the most appropriate compressor for optimal cooling performance.

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회사 소개

차이나 스피드웨이 그룹 전문 HVACR 제품입니다’ 제조업체 및 도매업체, 우리는 다양한 HVACR 제품 및 예비 부품을 사용자 정의합니다., 특히 냉동 제품 및 부품. 에어컨과 같은, 냉동 장비, 찬 방 단위, 제빙기, 제습기, 전기 모터, 부속품 (압축기, 열교환 기, 구리 코일, 밸브, 컨트롤 박스, 증발기) 등.

HVACR 분야에서 일한 이후 2010, 우리는 당신에게 독특한 제품과 솔루션을 제공할 수 있는 더 많은 경험을 가지고 있습니다., 또한 평생 무료 기술 지원을 제공합니다.. 귀하의 샘플에 대한 문의를 따뜻하게 환영합니다., 그림 또는 디자인, 우리의 목표는 귀하의 아이디어를 실현하고 귀하에게 혜택을 주는 것입니다..

또 뭔데, 고객을 위해, 우리는 다른 제품을 소싱할 것입니다, 공급업체 확인, 당신을 위한 무료 요금으로 그들과 협상하십시오.

저자 소개

사진 빅 청
빅 청

안녕, 나는 빅이다! 이후 HVACR 분야에서 작업 시작 2008, 우리의 주요 제품 포함: 공기 조절, 찬 방 냉장계, 물 냉각기, 제빙기, 상업용 탈수기, 제습기, 열 펌프, 전기 모터, 모든 액세서리. 차이나 스피드웨이 그룹에 합류한 이후 2012, 내가 여기서 일한 것보다 10 연령, 수출 부서의 총책임자로, 우리는 설립 50+ 다른 국가 및 지역의 에이전트.
우리의 경험과 강력한 기술 지원으로, 우리는 당신이 한 번 당신의 문제를 해결할 수 있습니다, 그리고 우리의 수석 엔지니어는 이후 HVACR 분야에서 일했습니다. 1997. 엔지니어뿐만 아니라 우리의 지식이 점점 더 대중화되고 있다는 사실이 자랑스럽습니다., 그리고 HVACR 사업의 신규 이민자를 위해, DIY 애호가. 당신이 우리의 기사를 즐기고 있기를 바랍니다, 질문이나 의견이 있으면 cn-beyond.com에서 저에게 마케팅을 보내주세요.

모든 게시물


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