최적의 솔루션 공유, 전문 HVACR 지식 및 산업 뉴스

Precision Air Conditioner Components List


Precision air conditioner refers to an air conditioner which can provide air circulation, 공기 여과, 냉각, re-heating, and temperature & humidity control to the server room.

Today we talk about precision 에어컨 구성요소’ name and related terms, let’s dive in now.

Cooling Type


Air cooled system includes a precision air conditioner indoor unit and a matching outdoor unit. The outdoor unit uses air for cooling, 그리고 에어컨 unit releases heat to outdoor through the outdoor unit.


Water cooled system includes precision air conditioner indoor unit and cooling tower. Cooling tower provides cooling circulating water to precision air conditioner indoor unit. Air conditioner unit releases heat to outdoor through the cooling circulating water.

Chilled Water

Chiller water system includes precision air conditioner indoor unit and chiller. Chiller provides chilled circulating water to the precision air conditioner indoor unit. 에어컨 releases heat to outdoor through chilled circulating water.

Double Cold Source

Double cold source systems involved air-cooled double cold source, water-cooled double cold source and chilled water double cold source.

Air-cooled double cold source unit is based on the air-cooled unit with an additional independent chilled water coil system, the water-cooled double cold source unit is based on the water-cooled unit with an additional independent chilled water coil system, and the chilled water double cold source unit has two independent chilled water coil systems.

Free Cooling

Free cooling source systems involved two types: (1) air-cooled free cooling water host & precision air conditioner indoor unit.(2) precision air conditioner indoor unit & dry cooler.

그들 중, 유형 (1) precision air conditioner indoor unit is a chilled water precision air conditioner unit, and type (2) 정도 에어컨 indoor unit has two independent 냉동 시스템. The system can automatically switch between the two systems according to energy-saving conditions to achieve a balance between maximum energy-saving effect and reliable operation.

Precision air conditioner



An important component of 공기 조절, used to pressurize gaseous refrigerant. Common compressors used in precision air conditioner include scroll compressor and rotor compressor.


The main component for heat exchange in the indoor unit. The refrigerant inside absorbs heat, and the air blown over the external surface releases heat to form a heat exchange.


The main component for heat exchange in the outdoor unit. The refrigerant inside absorbs heat, and the air blown over the external surface releases heat to form a heat exchange.

Ball Valve

Installed on the 냉장 시스템 pipeline to control on & off of refrigerant and act as a switch.

필터 드라이어

Installed on refrigeration system pipeline to dry and filter refrigerant.

필터 드라이어 1

필터 건조기

시력 유리

Installed on 냉장 시스템 pipeline, used to control refrigerant amount when filling and observe refrigerant status of the system at any time.

감온식 팽창 밸브

Installed on 냉장 시스템 pipeline to play the role of throttling and reducing pressure. Can involve into two types: thermostatic expansion valve(TXV) and electronic expansion valve.


When indoor humidity is low, device will humidify the indoor air. Humidifiers (used in precision air conditioners) are divided into: electrode humidifier and infrared humidifier.

히터When indoor temperature is low, the heater will heat the indoor air.Heaters for precision 에어컨 are divided into aluminum finned heater, PTC heater and stainless steel roundplate heater.


The power equipment for air circulation inside the unit, and involved into centrifugal fan and axial fan according to direction of gasflow; involved into AC fan and EC fan according to motorspower supply form.

Low-Temp Component

A component to ensure air conditioner can still start normally when the outdoor temperature is extremely low (below -20℃)

Component Extension

For air-cooled units, when the equivalent length of the indoor unit and outdoor unit pipes exceeds 30 meter, must install the extension component on the refrigeration system pipeline. An extension component includes a check valve and a solenoid valve.

Check Valve

A device installed on the 냉장 시스템 pipeline to prevent the refrigerant from flowing back.

솔레노이드 벨브

Installed on the refrigeration system pipeline to control on & off of the refrigerant and act as a switch.

solenoid valve

솔레노이드 벨브

Water Leak Detector

Used to monitor whether there is a water leakage issue in the 공기 조절 unit.

Airflow Supply Type

It is mainly for the air outlet position and air outlet direction of the air conditioner, which is an important consideration in air conditioner selection.

Downflow Supply

Applied to server rooms with static floor (also called static pressure floor).

Air is discharged from the bottom of the 에어컨 and sent under the static floor. Static floor on the air inlet side of the cabinet has holes, and the cold air flows upward to the front of the cabinet.

Cabinet absorbs the cold air to cool the electronic components, and the exhausted hot air returns to the air conditioner from air conditioner top, forming an airflow cycle.

Upflow Supply

Applied to server room with ceiling air supply or duct air supply.

Top Front Supply

Applied to small base stations in open spaces without ceiling, air duct, or static floor.

Add hood assembly to the top of the 에어컨 to supply air from the upper front of the air conditioner. The cold airflow is directly sent to the front of the cabinet. The cabinet absorbs the cold air to cool the electronic components, and the exhausted hot air returns to the air conditioner from the lower front of the air conditioner, forming an airflow cycle.

Horizontal Airflow Supply

Applicable to the case where the air conditioner and the cabinet are placed side by side.

Air conditioner sends out cold air horizontally in the entire height direction, and the cold air flows to the front of the cabinet. The cabinet absorbs the cold air to cool the electronic components, and the exhausted hot air returns to the air conditioner from the back of the air conditioner, forming an airflow cycle.

airflow supply


Raised Floor

An electrostatic floor is used in the server room. There is an elevated floor between electrostatic floor and floor for wiring, water pipes, air conditioning pipes, 등, making server room construction more beautiful.

Heat Load

The total amount of heat generated in the server room. This includes heat dissipation from equipment, heat transfer between walls and other maintenance structures and the outside, and heat dissipation from personnel, 등.

High Density Load

A single cabinet can hold many servers, and each server has high power and large heat dissipation.

Cold/Hot Aisle

Cold Hot Aisle

The cabinets in the server room are usually placed back to back or head to head. The head-to-head aisle is called cold aisle. The back-to-back aisle is called hot aisle.

Oil Trap

When the vertical height of the internal and external units exceeds 10 meter, will install an oil trap at every 6 meter vertical height of the air pipe so that the oil can smoothly return to the compressor for lubrication.


We talked about main components and their functions about precision air conditioner, also cooling type, airflow type, application about precision air conditioning.

Then you will know they are essential for the whole air conditioning system, precision air conditioners are critical for maintaining stable environmental conditions in sensitive applications like data center, 실혐실, and telecom facility. Their ability to provide precise temperature, humidity control, and efficient operation ensures the reliability and lifespan of critical equipment.

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회사 소개

차이나 스피드웨이 그룹 전문 HVACR 제품입니다’ 제조업체 및 도매업체, 우리는 다양한 HVACR 제품 및 예비 부품을 사용자 정의합니다., 특히 냉동 제품 및 부품. 에어컨과 같은, 냉동 장비, 찬 방 단위, 제빙기, 제습기, 전기 모터, 부속품 (압축기, 열교환 기, 구리 코일, 밸브, 컨트롤 박스, 증발기) 등.

HVACR 분야에서 일한 이후 2010, 우리는 당신에게 독특한 제품과 솔루션을 제공할 수 있는 더 많은 경험을 가지고 있습니다., 또한 평생 무료 기술 지원을 제공합니다.. 귀하의 샘플에 대한 문의를 따뜻하게 환영합니다., 그림 또는 디자인, 우리의 목표는 귀하의 아이디어를 실현하고 귀하에게 혜택을 주는 것입니다..

또 뭔데, 고객을 위해, 우리는 다른 제품을 소싱할 것입니다, 공급업체 확인, 당신을 위한 무료 요금으로 그들과 협상하십시오.

저자 소개

사진 빅 청
빅 청

안녕, 나는 빅이다! 이후 HVACR 분야에서 작업 시작 2008, 우리의 주요 제품 포함: 공기 조절, 찬 방 냉장계, 물 냉각기, 제빙기, 상업용 탈수기, 제습기, 열 펌프, 전기 모터, 모든 액세서리. 차이나 스피드웨이 그룹에 합류한 이후 2012, 내가 여기서 일한 것보다 10 연령, 수출 부서의 총책임자로, 우리는 설립 50+ 다른 국가 및 지역의 에이전트.
우리의 경험과 강력한 기술 지원으로, 우리는 당신이 한 번 당신의 문제를 해결할 수 있습니다, 그리고 우리의 수석 엔지니어는 이후 HVACR 분야에서 일했습니다. 1997. 엔지니어뿐만 아니라 우리의 지식이 점점 더 대중화되고 있다는 사실이 자랑스럽습니다., 그리고 HVACR 사업의 신규 이민자를 위해, DIY 애호가. 당신이 우리의 기사를 즐기고 있기를 바랍니다, 질문이나 의견이 있으면 cn-beyond.com에서 저에게 마케팅을 보내주세요.

모든 게시물


이메일 주소를 작성하시면 됩니다, 전화번호와 문의사항에 대한 간략한 설명을 이 양식에 기재하세요.. 이내에 연락드리겠습니다. 24 시간.


우리와 함께 프로젝트를 시작할 준비가 되었습니다.?

귀하의 브랜드 평판을 높이기 위해 저희와 협력하십시오, 고객이 평생 기억할 인상적인 경험을 얻으십시오., 경쟁 시장에서 두각을 나타낼 수 있도록 도와드립니다. !

최고의 OEM 파트너를 놓치지 마세요!

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우리의 차이를 경험하고 비즈니스의 더 나은 미래를 향한 첫 걸음을 내딛으십시오.!